Teeth Whitening – Marysville, OH

An Easy Way to Achieve a Brighter Smile

Young girl smiling after teeth whitening in Marysville

At Northwest Family Dental, Dr. Grill and our team of professionals are here to provide safe, effective, and life-changing solutions that are designed to improve appearances. When patients arrive complaining about the stains and discoloration found on their teeth, we can provide a host of cosmetic options for them to choose from. However, one of the most popular and widely used methods of treatment is professional teeth whitening. Fast and easy to use, our team can eliminate stains in less time, producing showstopping smiles that help boost an individual’s confidence. Call us today to schedule a consultation.

Why Choose Northwest Family Dental for Teeth Whitening?

  • In-Office & Take-Home Whitening Available
  • Cosmetic Dental Team That Cares About Results
  • Flexible Financing Available

Who is a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

Before and after image of teeth whitening

Determining whether you are a good candidate for teeth whitening requires a scheduled consultation with Dr. Grill. It is during this visit that we will evaluate the severity of your tooth stains. While some may only exist on the surface, others may live deep down below the enamel. These are often harder to remove, which is why we will need to build a plan that targets all areas of discoloration so that a brighter smile is readily achieved.

If we find any signs of tooth decay, cavities, or gum disease, though, we will need to recommend additional treatment before moving ahead with teeth whitening.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

At-home teeth whitening

At Northwest Family Dental, we offer two forms of professional teeth whitening – in-office and take-home kits. Both are known to produce beautiful results that last.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

With take-home teeth whitening kits, we will provide you with custom trays that are created based on impressions taken of your teeth. In addition, we will include professional strength bleaching gel that will be placed within the trays, targeting the stains above and below the surface. When worn correctly, you can expect to see results in just two weeks.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

With in-office teeth whitening, our team will cover the area surrounding your teeth to protect from any of the whitening agent seeping onto your soft oral tissues. Applying the bleaching gel to your teeth, we will use a specialized blue light to activate the ingredients found within the gel that work to eliminate tooth stains. You’ll see that within one hour, you will be enjoying a whiter, more beautiful smile.

Tips for Maintaining Your Brighter Smile

Woman with brighter teeth

You should adhere to these tips if you want to make sure that your teeth maintain their brightness for as long as possible:

  • Limit dark-colored foods and beverages. If necessary, use a straw to consume coffee or sodas so that the liquid does not come into direct contact with your teeth.
  • Let our team perform regular six-month dental checkups and teeth cleanings.
  • Be mindful of unhealthy habits and stop smoking or using tobacco products.
  • Keep up with your at-home oral hygiene routine to eliminate surface stains that might form.
  • Make sure to contact us when you’re ready to touch up your smile.