Emergency Dentistry – Huntsville, OH 

We Provide Emergency Dentistry to Logan County Residents and Vacationers Alike

Dental emergencies don’t discriminate; they can happen to anyone at any time. To make sure you get the prompt care you need for a hurting, damaged, or knocked-out tooth, call Northwest Family Dental as soon as you can. We offer same-day appointments for dental emergencies. The faster you can see us, the faster we can relieve your pain and restore your smile.

Why Choose Northwest Family Dental for Emergency Dentistry?

  • Same-Day Appointments
  • We Welcome Patients of All Ages
  • Nitrous Oxide Sedation Available to Calm Nerves

How We Treat Dental Emergencies

  • Schedule a visit that same day – The moment you get in touch with a member of our team, we’ll find out as much about your symptoms as we can. From there, we can clarify how urgent your situation is, schedule an appointment for you accordingly (usually on the same day), and give basic first-aid tips in the meantime.
  • Examine your smile – Once you get to our office, we’ll work to get you seen by Dr. Kevin Grill right away. He’ll take a thorough look at your mouth and determine whether digital X-rays are needed to pinpoint the source of your discomfort.
  • Break down your treatment options – Dr. Grill will explain the findings of the exam so that you’ll have a clear picture of what’s going on with your oral health. He’ll also outline a recommended plan for addressing the emergency and ensuring it doesn’t happen again.
  • Provide the care you need – As soon as we’ve provided cost and timeline estimates and confirmed the treatments you need, we’ll begin healing your smile.

The Most Common Dental Emergencies

If you’re experiencing some kind of dental problem but you’re unsure whether it qualifies as a “real” emergency, please contact us anyway. Most dental emergencies get worse the longer they stay untreated, so it never hurts to have Dr. Grill take a look. In the meantime, here is some helpful information about the dental emergencies we see the most often.




Sensitivity to
Hot & Cold


Lost Filling
or Crown



Gums, Lip or
Tongue Injury

Jaw Pain or

Something Stuck
Between Teeth


Understanding the Cost of Dental Emergencies

Some dental emergencies are more complex than others, and the costs of treating them reflect that. For example, a toothache might be remedied with a simple filling, or it may require a root canal and crown, which understandably costs more. Whatever treatment your smile needs, our team will thoroughly explain the fees associated with it beforehand so that you won’t be faced with any unpleasant financial surprises later on.

Keys to Preventing Dental Emergencies

When you take steps to prevent them, dental emergencies are much less likely to harm your smile. Make sure to:


  • Brush and floss every day and visit our office twice a year to stop small dental issues from turning into larger ones.
  • Protect your teeth from damage by wearing a mouthguard when you play sports, getting a night guard if you grind your teeth while you sleep, and not using your teeth as tools to open packaging.
  • Avoid chewing on hard objects that could break your teeth, such as ice cubes, your fingernails, and pen caps.