Advanced Dental Technology – Huntsville, OH

Old-School Values & New Technology

One-on-one, personalized service will never go out of style, but when it comes to technology, it is evolving faster than ever! This is especially true for dentistry, which is why Dr. Grill works diligently to keep our practice up to date so that our patients can enjoy care that is consistently gentle, precise, and efficient. To learn more about some of the devices you’ll benefit from at Northwest Family Dental, read on below.

Committed to State-of-the-Art & Comfortable Dental Experiences

  • Intraoral Cameras: Completely Transparent Appointments
  • All Digital X-Rays: Better Images, Less Radiation
  • Soft Tissue Laser: Fast & Painless Gum Therapy

Intraoral Cameras

Rather than simply telling you what is going on with your smile, we can show you thanks to our intraoral camera. This small device fits comfortably into the mouth, and it allows our team to take high-resolution images of the teeth and gums. We’ll display these images on a monitor next to the treatment chair so we can go over problem areas and possible solutions, ensuring that you and our team are always on the same page.

All-Digital X-Rays

A lot goes on in your mouth that can’t be seen by the naked eye! Below the gum line, issues like cavities, gum disease, and even cancer can potentially develop. But with digital X-rays, we can catch these issues and more before they can cause you major problems. Not only are digital X-rays much more detailed compared to traditional film ones, but they take just a fraction of the time to develop as well. Plus, they expose our patients (as well as our team) to 80-90% less radiation.