Children’s Dentistry – Huntsville, OH

Ensuring Young Smiles Grow Up Healthy

At Northwest Family Dental, we welcome the littlest smiles in your life. After all, it’s never too early to have a healthy grin! By bringing your child in for regular visits with Dr. Kevin Grill, they’ll naturally feel more comfortable in the dental office, leading to brighter smiles as they grow older. With our patient and compassionate team, your son or daughter is sure to feel at ease while we care for their teeth. To schedule your child’s next dental appointment, give our office a call!

Why Choose Northwest Family Dental for Children’s Dentistry?

  • We Treat Every Patient Like Family
  • Clean, Welcoming Dental Office
  • Fully Digital X-Rays for Maximum Safety

Dental Checkups & Cleanings for Kids

Kids, like adults, should see a dentist for checkups and cleanings every six months. Our team will put in the time and effort to make your child’s appointments as productive, educational, and stress-free as possible. These visits are aimed at monitoring their oral development (and treating any issues we notice in their early stages), professionally cleaning their teeth, and creating positive associations with dental care, which will benefit them for a lifetime.

Dental Sealants

The majority of cavities develop on the molars and premolars, as food debris and bacteria can become trapped within their grooved chewing surfaces. Children have an even higher risk of decay in these teeth since they’re still learning to brush and floss and can miss these far-back areas. With dental sealants, we can create a thin, clear barrier between the surfaces of these teeth and harmful bacteria, reducing the risk of decay for up to a decade.

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride is a mineral that can be found in many sources of drinking water and is also frequently added to toothpastes and mouthwashes. There’s a good reason for this: regular fluoride exposure makes tooth enamel more resilient against decay. In children, fluoride can even strengthen the adult teeth that haven’t started growing in yet! That’s why we will quickly and painlessly coat your child’s teeth in an extra-strength fluoride gel after their cleanings.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Gone are the days when dentists would have to restore decayed teeth with dark metal fillings that cast a spotlight on a patient’s dental work. Instead, Dr. Grill can treat your child’s cavities with fillings made from a malleable substance called composite resin. He can expertly shade the resin to match your child’s natural grin, ensuring they can smile confidently with their classmates and friends being none the wiser.

Athletic Mouthguards

If your son or daughter plays a contact sport, you naturally want to make sure they’re wearing their helmet and/or knee pads before every game. Their smile should also receive the same level of protection with a custom athletic mouthguard. Unlike over-the-counter mouthguards that are often bulky and uncomfortable, our oral appliances are personalized to fit your child’s unique smile. This ensures their pearly whites are protected from severe injury without distracting them from the game.